It is good to come to spiritual direction with something to present. Spiritual Direction sessions are meant to explore the movements of your spiritual life, including areas of question, invitation, growth, and challenge. Below are some ways to get the most out of a spiritual direction session.
        Pay attention to feelings, themes, thoughts, and topics that arise during your spiritual practice times, or daily life, throughout the month. You may want to write some of these down to consider bringing as topics to reflect on in a future spiritual direction session.
        Both your intentional spiritual practice times and daily life are places where both God and spiritual issues show up. If you do a daily lectio, perhaps a certain word, phrase, or theme shows up or even recurs. It may be helpful to write these down and bring them to spiritual direction to discuss what God is inviting you toward or revealing to you. Perhaps there are questions surrounding what is arising that could be reflected on in the direction session.
        In the same way, if you do an examen, whether intentionally or informally, perhaps you will notice topics, themes, or experiences that seem to stand out. Maybe you notice yourself becoming more defensive with more people. Perhaps you are beginning to have compassion more easily. Is there anything that you are ‘noticing’ more frequently?
        Between direction sessions, notice what seems to draw your attention. These could be positive or negative experiences. Certainly, bring these themes into your conversation with God and personal reflection time, but also write them down to consider exploring in the direction session.
Are there decisions you are trying to discern? These are also good topics for exploration within spiritual direction.
Are there certain relationships that are proving either life giving or more difficult for you at the moment?
What is draining you? What is giving you life?
What are your questions about God? Where are you finding life in God?
        Other places that may be worth exploring in direction are the dreams (nocturnal) that stand out to you, the temptations and challenges you are facing, and the possibilities you are considering.


See also “Starting Spiritual Direction: A Guide for Getting Ready, Feeling Safe, and Getting the Most out of Your Sessions” ch. 2 Preparing for a Session.