Spiritual direction has been called “holy listening.” In spiritual direction, two persons pledge to journey together for a time in order to listen together for God’s voice in one of their lives. Through listening and reflecting, in a confidential setting of prayer and encouragement, we seek to discern God’s leading.

Spiritual direction assumes that God is at work in every area of our lives, our relationships, our work, our leisure and quiet. God is present in our doubt and frustration and pain as well as in our certainty, our joy, and our healing. Sometimes it is difficult to discern the Spirit’s presence or movement, or to follow God’s call. God is the real Director of our lives, but an experienced companion (spiritual director) can often help you hear or notice what is real and respond.

I pledge myself to listen with you for the voice of God and help you notice God’s movement in your life. I also promise to pray for you regularly.

Prayer is at the heart of our relationship with God. I ask you to commit yourself to regular prayer and reading of scripture between our visits. There are many ways to do this, and we can discuss possibilities that seem right for you.

Our conversations are always confidential. However, I ask your permission to share information (without using your name) with my supervisor. It is customary for directors to be in spiritual direction themselves, and to be in supervision as a part of our own spiritual and professional growth.

The goal of spiritual direction is well-expressed in these words: to see God more clearly, love God more dearly, and follow God more nearly in our daily lives.

A Few Practical Matters

Scheduling:  Ordinarily we will meet for approximately 1 hour each month. Sessions are $50 – $75 according to your ability. It may be helpful, in the beginning, to meet more frequently in order to become acquainted. After 3 meetings, we will evaluate how well this is meeting your expectations and whether to continue. Every 6 – 12 months we will take time to evaluate again where we are being led.

Obligation to report: The only caveat to the promise of confidentiality mentioned above is if something arises which may endanger you or another person. Spiritual directors are required to report suspected cases of child or elder abuse. This is for the safety and well-being of all involved and would only happen with your full knowledge.

In agreement: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________________   Date: ____________

In agreement:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________________   Date: ____________