Dr. Keith Foisy enjoys teaching in a variety of settings. 
Guest Speaker: 
Keith is ordained with the Evangelical Covenant Church. He has over sixteen years of ministry as a teaching pastor and is available to speak for Sunday services or other Christian Formation events.
Spiritual Direction & Formation Classes 
Keith serves as a teacher and supervisor in a variety of spiritual direction and formation programs. Presently, he assists in Eastern Mennonite Seminary’s Spiritual Guidance course. In addition, he is a teaching assistant, guest lecturer, and spiritual direction group supervisor for Richmont Graduate University’s online spiritual direction program. He has also been invited to lead reflective retreats for Christian Formation and Direction Ministries (CFDM) of Southern California which serves as a spiritual direction training certification center. 
Other venues he is familiar with include leading various spiritual formation groups for local congregations. These groups typically meet weekly for 4 – 8 sessions, but can also be developed as weekend intensives, such as an all day, on-site retreat. 
Topics include but are not limited to: Spiritual Direction skills; How the Stages of Faith inform Spiritual Direction; Ignatian prayer and discernment practices; Ancient Desert Christian Spirituality; Understanding the Role of Dreams for awareness, prayer, and formation; Thomas Merton on various topics; Enneagram Training; Introduction to Celtic Spirituality; Introduction to Contemplative Prayer Practices; and more. 
Retreat Leader:  
Are you interested in designing a learning retreat for a specific group of people? Retreat settings are a great environment for team building and reflection. Teaching retreats done in a retreat atmosphere set extended time aside for teaching, but also allow for group work as well as individual reflection space. Keith would be glad to help you team build around a specific teaching topic and design a retreat schedule that meets all the needs of your group. 
Please use the ‘contact’ page for inquiries and requests.